Applied Kinesiology
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The International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) has Applied Kinesiology teachers almost worldwide.
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Meet our teachers
You can learn from Medical doctors, Dentist, Chiropractors and Osteopaths who are Diplomate of the International Board of Applied Kinesiology (DIBAK) and members of the international Educational Council (IEC). They are the best teachers to help you in your training using Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) and Applied Kinesiology (AK) concepts
Certification levels
Discover the different levels of progression in AK from the Foundation course, to the Professional Applied Kinesiology (PAK) Certification and to the Diplomate level (DIBAK).
Each level of learning will help you become a better clinician using Manual Muscle Testing as a functional evaluation of the nervous system.
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International Educational Council (IEC)
The IEC is in charge of promoting the highest level of education in Applied Kinesiology around the world. The IEC regroup professionals from different domain like Medicine, Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Dentistry. With more than 70 doctors teaching around the world, you should be able to find classes in your area!
As Applied Kinesiology teachers, we are looking to help our student progress to become expert in Manual Muscle Testing and in Applied Kinesiology evaluation and treatment procedures.
Our different teaching programs will help you to obtain the PAK certification, the Diplomate level (DIBAK) or even to join our teaching team on the IEC.
Meet the IEC boardRelevant websites
The World of Applied Kinesiology
ICAK website
The International College of Applied Kinesiology website provides information on the different chapters around the world.
IBE website
The International Board of Examiners gives you information on the steps to become a Diplomate in AK (DIBAK).